Taking advantage of the holding of Municipàlia, the 14th International Trade Fair on Municipal Facilities and Services, the Club EMAS organised an open conference on 24 October 2007 for businesses and companies to publicise the public mechanisms for promoting the EMAS.
Representatives at all different levels participated in the conference, the Directorate General of the Environment of the European Commission, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of the Environment and Housing of the Government of Catalonia and representatives from each of the EMAS registered orgnisations in Catalonia.
Conference documents and other reference documents:
Conference brochure
Public Mechanisms to Promote the EMAS
Welcome and presentation
Mrs. Núria Ayats. Club EMAS
EMAS for Beginners
Sra. Maria Passalacqua begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Directora del Club EMAS
EMAS at Public Administrations: Case Studies
Mr. Jordi Cabot. Roses Town Council
Implantació de l'EMAS en la gestió municipal de les platges
Mrs. Diana Lladó. Calonge Town Council
Implementing the EMAS at the Environmental Entity of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Mrs. Ana Romero. EMS Coordinator of EMA
Public Mechanisms to Promote the EMAS The Panorama in Europe
Mrs. M. Ángeles Barrecheguren. Directorate General of the Environment of the European Commission
EMAS European Data
Mrs M. Ángeles Barrecheguren, Directorate General of the Environment of the European Commission
Incentives for EMAS
Mrs M. Ángeles Barrecheguren, Directorate General of the Environment of the European Commission
Public Mechanisms to Promote the EMAS The Panorama in Spain
Mrs Soledad Aycart, Ministry of the Environment
Public Mechanisms to Promote the EMAS The Panorama in Catalonia
Mr Salvador Samitier, Ministry of the Environment and Housing of the Government of Catalonia
Reference documents
Collection of public mechanisms to promote the EMAS in Europe
Autonomous community documents
Castilla León. Decreto 129-1999 Auditorías Ambientales
Comunitat Valenciana. Plecs Criteris Medi Ambientals
Galicia. Orden ayudas EMAS
Madrid. Decreto 216/2003
Navarra. Decreto Foral 6/2002
Spanish documents
Orden 14 octubre 1997. Pliegos Ministerio Medio Ambiente
Orden FOM 818/2004
Proyecto de Ley Contratos Sector Público (07/07/2006)
Reglamento IPPC
Municipal ordinance documents
Taxa per la utilització de la Deixalleria Municipal. Manlleu
Taxa per recollida, tractament i eliminació de residus municipals. Roses
Taxa Gestió Residus Municipals. Sabadell
Ordenances Fiscals 2007. Polinyà
European Union documents
Comunicació sobre una Estrategia temàtica pel medi ambient urbà
Communication from the commission to the council, the European Parlament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions