Winners and candidates 2010

This year we have received 17 applications that have been evaluated under 3 categories: best environmental statement, best involvement action for interna/external parties, and best environmental achievement. 

The applications:

Environmental statement: Adasa Sistemas, Municipality of Cornellà de Llobregat, Club Nàutic Port de la Selva, Col·legi d’Aparelladors i Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d’Edificació de Barcelona, Consorci Port Mataró, Delta Tecnic, Empresa Constructora Familiar (EMCOFA), Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai, Girbau, and Uniland Cementera (Site of Monjos).

Involvement of interested parties :
  • Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL) - Implementation of the project for the recycling of domestic vegetal oil  for their employees. The oil is collected at the company's sites and then treated and managed by a social labor organization for the production of biodiesel.
  • La Granja Escola de Sta. Maria de Palautordera - Energy saving contest  for the schools that visite their center.
  • Sociedad Espanyola de Construcciones Eléctricas (SECE) -  Exhibition on public lighting at the Municipality of Cunit. for professionals, school students and citizens (October  2010). 
  • Siemens, Fàbrica de Cornellà -  Open doors activity coinciding with the centennial celebration of the Sie of Cornellà de llobregat. The inititive has included different activities: games and a  gymkhana for the young visitors,  a tree planting and a guided tour of the site.
Environmental achievements:
  • Denso Barcelona - Energy saving project at the site of Sant Fruitós de Bages.  Carried out between 2008-2010, this project has allowed the company to reduce its energy consumption and  GHG emissions and has included different measures and actions such as  the automatic regulation of air compressors and cooling systems, the installation of 70 counters and 8 centralizers  for a better monitorng systems of the site, etc.
  • Sociedad Espanyola de Construcciones Eléctricas (SECE) -  Modifications in the transportation fleet  such as  the introduction of 6 electric basket-lifts in the trucks  fueled by  compressed natural gas for the activities of maintenance of the public lighting system and 9 electric vans with 16 intelligent recharging points.
  • Stora Enso Barcelona -  Integral recycling process for packaging briks at the site of Castellbisbal. This pioneer project in Europe integrates new processes into the cardboard manufacturing site of the company ans assures that  the paper fibre of the  brik is reused for the production of cardboard, the aluminum is separated and recycled as raw material and the plastic film is  gasified in order to generate energy and retrofit the process. The project  has now a capacity  for 30.000 tons of briks and it can be enlarged to collect 60.000 tons.
And the winners were...... (from left to right):
  • Better environmental statement: Delta Tecnic, S.A. 
  • Better action for the involvement of interested parties: Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL).
  • Best environmental achievement: Stora ENSO Barcelona.

And 3 special mentions have been delivered to:
  • Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai i d’Uniland Cementera-Planta Monjos (Environmental statement)
  • La Granja Escola de Santa Maria de Palautordera (Involvement of interested parties)

As in the previous year, a recognition for those organizations with more than 10 years of EMAS registration have been  given to: Denso Barcelona, Janson Sleeve, Venair Ibérica, MCV, Acondicionamiento Tarrasense, Centre Tecnològic (LEITAT), Manufacturas Goma, StoraEnso Barcelona, Casa Tarradellas, Funderia Condals, Ibercompound, Hispano Mecano Eléctrica HIMMEL sites of  Molins de Rei and Capellades, Grupo Reside-Hosteleria (Promociones Blaumar), El Tinter, Arts Gràfiques, Edicions i Produccions i Saifor.

And of course, there was also space for the new commers (new EMAS registered organizations in 2010): Uniland Cementera (Planta de Sitges), Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (Hospitalet), Recuperació de Pedreres, Gestió i Recuperació de terrenys, Germans Escala, VOPI 4, Laren 2000, SUFI, Consorci del Palau de la Música Catalana, Gestión Residuos Obulco, Ajuntament de Castelló d’Empuries, La Granja Escola de Sta. Maria de Palautordera, Naturalea Conservació, Aquanea, Algeco Construcciones Modulares, Marina Port Vell i Cognis Iberia.