The ceremony of the EMAS Awards 2010

As every year, in Novembre we have the the EMAS party!
It's an opportunity for catalan EMAS organizations to exchange experiences, to learn about projects and initiatives and to keep in touch with  environmental coordinators of other organizations.
Organised by the Club EMAS, this is already the third edition of the awards and they continue to be as original and aware of their environmental aspectes as in their first edition.
The ceremony has been held on November 17th at Top Studios in Barcelona, a singular space dedicated to photo sessions and film production.

Coinciding with the International Year of Biodiversity,  this year's ceremony has been focused on aspects related to nature and biodiversity presenting the natural richness of Catalonia and  also its heritage in terms of EMAS registered organizations. The chief of ceremony has been a virtual lady's face that has been projected in the wall of the studio. Her voice have conducted the whole ceremony and it has been accompanied by DJ music and  images related to biodiversity.    

The awards have been delivered by Mr. Francesc Baltasar i Albesa, Conseller de Medi Ambient i Habitatge de la Generalitat de Catalunya and more than 170 people have attended theceremony.
Moreover, other characters from the catalan administration have participated to the EMAS Awards such as the  General Director of Environmental Quality, Mrs. Maria Comellas, the Subdirector General d’Intervenció i Qualificació Ambiental, Mr. Lluís Laguna and the President of the Club EMAS, Mr. Martí Puig i Ysern.
The jury has been composed by representatives of the environmental sector, the enterprises, the academic sector and the society in general.

List of members of the jury:

Maria Comellas, General Director of  Environmental Quality of the DMAiH, president of the jury.
Salvador Samitier, Director of the Catalan Office on Climate Change.
Joan Barfull, Director of the Environmental Department of PIMEC.
Antoni Garrell, Director of the Escola Superior de Disseny (ESDI).
Anna González Batlle, Director of Communication of the Entitat del Medi Ambient de l’Àrea metropolitana de Barcelona.
Marta González, Responsible of the Department of Environment of UGT Catalunya (Trade Union).
Jordi Bellapart, Environmental & Health and Safety Manager of  Envases Plásticos del Ter (ENPLATER S.A.) Member of the management board of the Club EMAS.